Dulu,...File PDF (adobe acrobat) adalah format file paling ampuh untuk memproteksi dokument kita. Kita pasti beranggapan bahwa dengan di PDF kan, maka file kita akan aman dari tangan-tangan jahil yang akan merubah isi content nya. Minimal, bila ada orang yang akan menyadur isi tulisan tersebut, mereka harus MENGETIK ULANG isinya.
Lama,.. dan butuh waktu. Itulah yang kita harapkan selaku penulis.
Pendapat di atas sudah berubah !!
Dan ternyata,....
Ada Software yang BAGUUSSSS !!!
Software ini bernama ABLE2EXTRACT
Software ini bukan hanya mampu mengconvert PDF ke WORD,.. tapi juga bisa mengconvert ke bentuk lainnya.
Able2Extract Professional Features:
1. Convert PDF to Excel and retain the row/column structure of the PDF table within Excel.
2. One click of a button converts PDF files into formatted excel spreadsheets quickly and easily.
3. Convert Image (scanned) PDFs into formatted Excel spreadsheets.
4. The PDF to Excel conversion options supports a variety of different languages, including English, French, Spanish and German, to name just a few.
5. The PDF to Excel conversion is done effortlessly through our easy to use user interface.
6. Converting from PDF to Excel will preserve your page layout. You can view all the PDF pages in one Excel workbook or, in the alternative, one PDF page per Excel workbook.
7. The PDF to Excel conversion feature of Able2Extract is not a plug-in. It does not require any Adobe® software product, such as Acrobat®, to view and convert the PDF.
8. The PDF to Excel conversion output supports most Windows and Office platforms, including - 98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
9. An option in the PDF to Excel conversion lets users select whether to replicate the font of the PDF or not.
10. PDF to Excel converters can choose the custom Excel feature and designate their own columns.
11. Custom PDF to Excel conversions can be saved with the new template saving capability.
12. Our PDF viewer is included so you can see what you are converting from PDF to Excel!
13. Convert to Excel and it will save as an XLS file.
14. Get more control from the Custom PDF to Excel conversion option.
15. Convert PDF to Word and preserve the original layout of your PDF in an editable Word document.
16. Convert Image (scanned) PDFs to editable Word documents.
17. Several PDF to Word conversion options are available. Complex PDF to Word conversion - preserve the originality of converted the PDF to Word by identifying paragraphs, text labels, graphics, tables, and flow of columns etc. and then replicating it within Microsoft Word. Simple PDF to Word conversion - converts text from the PDF to Word document without the graphics.
18. PDF to Word variety – convert PDF to Rich Text Format (RTF) or Word, it is up to you! The PDF to RTF feature allows users to convert large documents faster than the PDF to Word option.
19. PDF to Word Efficiency and Selectivity. Pinpoint selection ability. Since you can see what you select, there is no need to transfer whole documents or even whole pages at a time. Take one line of text if you want!
20. The PDF to Word conversion is processed at a very high speed.
21. PDF to Word conversion size options – Convert the whole document, a range of pages, one page or a portion of a page – it is your choice!
22. PDF to Word output supports most Windows and Office platforms - 98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
23. Our PDF viewer is included so you can see what you pages or portions of a page you are converting from PDF to Word!
24. Choose your PDF to Word output format – Both .Doc and .RTF output formats are supported.
25. Convert PDF to PowerPoint (PPT) and improve your presentations.
26. See what you are converting. Our proprietary PDF viewer lets you view your PDFs just as you would with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
27. Retain PDF graphics in HTML.
28. Text from PDF is available in HTML.
29. Convert PDF to Image formats
30. Convert PDF to TIFF
31. Convert PDF to JPEG
32. Convert PDF to GIF
33. Convert PDF to BMP
34. Convert PDF to PNG
35. Our PDF viewer lets you view your PDF documents at different sizes by zooming in and zooming out.
36. Rotate landscaped PDFs to portrait view for easier viewing and converting
37. Convert HTML pages into Excel spreadsheets for easy data analysis.
38. Convert HTML to editable Word documents
39. HTML can be converted to Text with Able2Extract Professional
40. Convert Text documents into formatted Excel spreadsheets.
41. Convert Text documents to .doc and .rtf format
42. Text files can be transported into HTML files.
43. Simple PDF to Text (.txt) conversion comes included.
44. PDF to HTML conversion for use on web pages comes included.
45. Select your PDF using a variety of options, including: using the mouse, by selecting all on page, by selecting a page range.
46. Able2Extract Professional converts both PDF and XPS documents
47. Converts XPS to Word
48. Convert XPS to Excel
49. Convert XPS to PowerPoint
50. Our XPS conversion has the ability to handle and convert scanned XPS documents
51. Control over Image based and non-image based conversions. Perfect for situations in which the PDF for conversion is a blend of image PDF and native PDF pages.
52. Get pinpoint conversion accuracy that allows you to convert any portion of a page that your require. No need to convert a whole page at a time if it is not required.
Anda tinggal pilih saja.
Benar benar lengkaapp!!.
Disamping cara pengoperasiannya yang mudah, tingkat keakurasian CONVERT nya juga bagus. Bahkan selama saya trial, masih akurat 100%. Saya belum pernah mendapatkan kesalahan (teks atau huruf) dalam pengconvertan.
Ini berbeda jika kita menggunakan fasilitas software OCR (mengconvert file image atau pdf ke text). Dengan software OCR, seringkali saya dapatkan salah EJA atau salah TULIS (huruf convertan tidak sesuai dengan aslinya).
Sekali lagi,.. MANTABB
Download link ada dibawah ini.
Catatan : Setelah download, rename filenya menjadi Portable_AbleExtract_Pro_5.rar atau hilangkan kata .html
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