Rabu, 17 September 2008

Cara Berlangganan Majalah Gratis Luar Negeri

Anda dapat berlangganan majalah gratis dari luar negri, sekali lagi GRATIS, tanpa dipungut biaya ongkos kirim sedikitpun. Majalah gratis yang tersedia banyak yang berkaitan dengan topik seputar industri, mulai dari industri makanan, pendidikan, telekomunikasi, IT, sciences, engineering, bahkan sampai militer.
Karena majalahnya dari luar negri, tentunya ber bahasa Inggris :) Itung-itung belajar bahasa Inggris sambil mendalami topik yang dibahas majalah tersebut.

Cara Berlangganan Majalah Gratis Internasional

Sebenarnya tersedia 2 jenis release dari si penyelenggara majalah gratis ini, yaitu majalah dalam bentuk digital (dikirim ke email masing-masing) dan majalah dalam bentuk print/cetak (akan dikirimkan ke alamat rumah masing-masing). Menurut catatan kami hingga saat ini, tersedia sekitar 50 jenis majalah gratis yang tersedia untuk subscriber/pelanggan dari Indonesia.
Untuk berlangganan majalah gratis dari luar negri, langsung saja mengunjungi Free International Majalah Subscription dan memilih majalah yang terpampang pada halaman internasional tersebut. Pastikan bahwa Geographic Eligibility: Selected International pada majalah yang anda pilih (karena ada majalah yang hanya khusus Eropa, Amerika atau Afrika saja). Lalu kemudian klik tombol SUBSCRIBE FREE untuk memulai pengisian form mendapatkan majalah gratis. Isikan data diri anda dan jika Indonesia tidak berada dalam list pilihan Country, berarti majalah tersebut tidak bisa dikirimkan ke Indonesia.
Jangan kecewa, kembali lagi ke halaman awal dan mulai mencari majalah lainnya.
Jika anda telah menemukan majalah yang anda cari dan Indonesia tersedia dalam pilihan country nya, berarti anda tinggal melengkapi form isiannya dan mengkonfirmasi pendaftaran anda lewat email.

Berikut beberapa majalah gratis yang sempat kami dokumentasikan untuk anda yang tersedia untuk negara Indonesia, silahkan pilih sesuai dengan topik yang anda minati.

Telecom Mobile

Every day, the editors of Telecom Mobile work diligently to bring their readers breaking news and in-depth analysis about those events of vital importance to the industry. They compile news and information for the Horizon House international and U.S.-based magazines, web sites, and electronic newsletters.
Berlangganan Majalah Gratis Telecom Mobile

SD Times

BZ Media’s twice-monthly trade newspaper, SD Times, is the first and only publication in the software-development market offering news analysis in a field that includes dozens of dense technical journals. SD Times is written for top-level software and application development managers with a need for a wide-angle view of what’s happening in the software development industry, including news, analysis, opinions, and new products and services. The editorial focus and format is geared toward high-level management–the movers and shakers across the software development community.
Berlangganan Majalah Gratis SD Times

Profit Magazine

Published quarterly, Profit Magazine is distributed to more than 110,000 C-level executives* and provides business leaders with a road map on turning their technology investments into top and bottom line advantages. Profit Magazine illuminates the business impact of technology and provides industry and line-of-business intelligence for your specific challenges. At the same time, Profit Magazine also wants to shed light on Oracle’s product and service strategies and how they’ll impact your business - today, and in the years to come.
Berlangganan Majalah Gratis Profit Magazine

Systems Management News

Each issue of Systems Management News is chock-full of news and analysis to help you understand what’s happening in your field and what it means - the type of timely and context-rich information that is in woefully short supply today and difficult to piece together from different sources on the Internet. We report on such events as product introductions and upgrades, company mergers and acquisitions, and industry-wide initiatives and standardization efforts.
Berlangganan Majalah Gratis Systems Management News

Aerospace Manufacturing and Design

Aerospace Manufacturing and Design delves into all aspects of the production of commercial, military and private aircraft and the new equipment that will ensure manufacturers are aware of the latest technology to produce products competitively and profitably.
Berlangganan Majalah Gratis Aerospace Manufacturing and Design

NASA Tech Briefs

Authored by the engineers or scientists who did the work, the briefs span a wide array of fields, including electronics, physical sciences, materials, computer software, mechanics, machinery/automation, manufacturing/fabrication, mathematics/information sciences, and life sciences. NASA Tech Briefs also contains feature articles on successful NASA spinoffs, profiles of NASA tech transfer resources, news briefs, and application stories. Regular columns describe new patents, industry products, software, and literature.
Berlangganan Majalah Gratis NASA Tech Briefs

Majalah gratis internasional lainnya antara lain :
Oracle Magazine, Cisco on Cisco News, eWeek, PipeLine and Gas Technology, Global Finance, Poultry International, Defense Technology International, License Global, Recycling Today, Microwave Product Digest, Business & Commercial Aviation, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Processing & Control News Europe, Water & Wastes Digest Executive News Summary, Cogeneration & On-Site Power Production, Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide, Microwave Journal, Overhaul & Maintenance, dll.

Untuk lebih lengkapnya kunjungi Free International Majalah Subscription

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